Your Donor Mail, Mastered
Abeja | A Fundraising Consultant
Meet Us in the Middle
“Too small for a direct mail agency. Too big to not have a donation letter expert on staff.”
We heard from hundreds of nonprofits in the same place as you. That inspired us to found Abeja to give nonprofits a middle option to gain and grow their relationships with individual donors.
Our affordable services offer you plenty of in-house control, but with the power and support of a specialist team. We offer a complete solution to the donation letter process — Writing, Design, Data Prep, and Print Management — so you can focus on the journey ahead.
Consistency Is Key
Ask. Thank. Report. Repeat. It’s a proven formula for building donor trust, priming them to give to your next appeal, and getting them to stick with you for years.
But it’s hard for nonprofits to maintain a cadence of quality and cost-effective donor communications. Those tasks often fall to the bottom of the to-do list. Sadly, that’s why most organizations lose nearly as many donors as they gain each year.
If you’d like Abeja’s help to achieve more consistency, view our custom Work Samples.
If you need to do your donation letters and digital tactics on your own for now, check out the free tips on our Resources page.
Why Abeja?
Our nonprofit clients say these are the top reasons they partner with us.
“Since we started to use Abeja, our fundraising has increased each year!”
“We appreciate the way you worked with us and shared our passion for our mission.”
“Your team is experienced, responsive, and genuinely cares about driving results.”
More From Our Clients
“We raised over $50,000 in just a couple of short weeks and more is coming in! We are believers now in the power of pitch by mail!”
“I feel very known by Abeja. I initially had concerns about using an out-of-state vendor. However, Abeja has exceeded my expectations.”
“It was very easy, the turnaround time was quick, and the product was polished and professional.”
Ready to master your donor mail?