Postage Rates Make a Record Jump
You can’t control USPS and most nonprofits shouldn’t stop fundraising by mail. But you can take steps to wisely control your costs.
How to Cope with Higher Paper Prices
With paper prices rising, what can nonprofits do to ensure their year-end mailings are timely and cost-effective?
How to Set Fundraising Goals That Make Sense
In this webinar, Brianna Klink reveals how to use your donor data to set achievable fundraising goals and pursue more successful strategies.
What Asparagus and Donors Have in Common
With the pandemic, I’ve had to find new hobbies at home. I recently started a garden and discovered an interesting parallel between growing asparagus and acquiring donors.
Leasing a Donor List? Do These 3 Things First
Acquisition is critical to replace the 57 percent of donors who lapse each year. But acquisition is also the most expensive individual fundraising activity. Here’s how to maximize your investment.
Your USPS Nonprofit Authorization: How to Apply
Download our free, step-by-step guide to apply for your nonprofit authorization. We outline the fastest, most efficient way to start saving money on postage so you can spend more of your time on saving the world.
How to Save Money on Postage
The U.S. Postal Service offers you the chance to mail your fundraising letters at a reduced rate of 17.8 cents apiece, but not enough nonprofits take advantage of this smart way to boost your mail profits.
[Video] Avoid Costly Donor Mail Traps
In this webinar, Brianna Klink offers tips to save you time and money in designing, printing, and mailing your donation letter.
3 Donation Letters That Broke My Heart, in All the Wrong Ways
I was delighted when I recently received three direct mail pieces from organizations I admire. But my heart broke when I read them. In fact, it broke twice.
[Video] Discover Gold in Your Donor Data
In this webinar, Brianna Klink reveals a 4-step process for maximizing your fundraising data.
[Video] How Effective Is Your Fundraising?
In this video, Brianna Klink looks at how to create a basic data dashboard to drive sound fundraising strategy in your nonprofit.
Our Most Popular Fundraising Tool in 2019
Hundreds of nonprofits have downloaded this basic fundraising plan template over the last year. That’s because it can take you from “I somehow have to raise $X,XXX,XXX … ” to “I have a documented plan with well-defined, manageable tasks!”
Donation Letters: How to Choose the Right Postage
Have you heard this saying? “Cheap, Fast, and Good. Pick two.” When it comes to choosing postage for your year-end appeal, this project management truth definitely applies. Here’s how to make your choice.
Better Donation Letters and Email through Data Hygiene (Part 3)
Take on tricky donor database errors caused by nicknames and foreign language characters with this step-by-step guide. It’s part 3 of our data hygiene series.
Better Donation Letters and Email through Data Hygiene (Part 2)
Studies show that donors read their own names first and then decide whether to keep reading your donation letter. You need to do everything you can to make sure those names are correct – and these donor data fixes can help.
Better Donation Letters and Email through Data Hygiene (Part 1)
This blog is the first in a series on data hygiene. We look at why a clean donor database will help you connect better with donors and save you time (and money!). Plus, get step-by-step instructions on how to fix common data issues.
Write Fundraising Gold with a Storytelling Treasure Map
Humans say they want grammatically perfect prose. But the truth is that they crave short, chatty copy that makes them feel something special. And for most of us, that’s incredibly hard to do well. To help, our team created this Storytelling Treasure Map.
Screw Perfectionism! Improvise for Better Results
Perfectionism is on the rise, and that’s not a good thing. Psychologists believe this irrational desire to succeed may cause mental health issues. If you feel stuck between delusions of perfect grandeur and the fear of being found out, let me offer a solution from my not-so-secret, secret skill: improvisation.